はじめてのGitHub Actions

GitHub Actions のクイックスタート の手順に従って、GitHub Actionsを実行してみます

.github/workflows ディレクトリを作成します

mkdir -p .github/workflows

.github/workflows/github-actions-demo.yml ファイルを作成し、下記の内容を記述します

 1name: GitHub Actions Demo
 2run-name: ${{ github.actor }} is testing out GitHub Actions 🚀
 3on: [push]
 5  Explore-GitHub-Actions:
 6    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
 7    steps:
 8      - run: echo "🎉 The job was automatically triggered by a ${{ github.event_name }} event."
 9      - run: echo "🐧 This job is now running on a ${{ runner.os }} server hosted by GitHub!"
10      - run: echo "🔎 The name of your branch is ${{ github.ref }} and your repository is ${{ github.repository }}."
11      - name: Check out repository code
12        uses: actions/checkout@v3
13      - run: echo "💡 The ${{ github.repository }} repository has been cloned to the runner."
14      - run: echo "🖥️ The workflow is now ready to test your code on the runner."
15      - name: List files in the repository
16        run: |
17          ls ${{ github.workspace }}
18      - run: echo "🍏 This job's status is ${{ job.status }}."


git add .
git commit -m "Add Github Actions example"
git push orgin main

ブラウザからforkしたリポジトリにアクセスし、 Actions からワークフローの結果を確認します


ジョブ( Explore-GitHub-Actions )をクリック